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Macgyver Production info

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Cliff Bole (15 episodes 1986-1988)
Chuck Bowman (episodes "Kill Zone (1988)", "Collision Course (1988)", "Cleo Rocks (1989)")
Rob Bowman (I) (episode "Ma Dalton (1989)")
Michael Caffey (16 episodes 1989-1991)
Don Chaffey (episodes "Escape, The (1986)", "Bushmaster (1987)")
Richard A. Colla (episode "Hellfire (1985)") (as Richard Colla)
James L. Conway (7 episodes 1986-1988)
Bill Corcoran (episode "Children of Light (1989)")
Charles Correll (I) (19 episodes 1986-1990)
Alan Crosland (II) (episode "Three For the Road (1986)")
Dana Elcar (episodes "Challenge, The (1989)", "Invisible Killer, The (1989)")
John Florea (episode "Last Stand (1985)")
William Gereghty (19 episodes 1989-1992)
Bruce Seth Green (episode "Flame's End (1986)")
Harry Harris (I) (episode "Live and Learn (1990)")
Stan Jolley (II) (episode "Countdown (1986)")
Lee H. Katzin (episodes "Thief of Budapest (1985)", "Gauntlet, The (1985)", "Trumbo's World (1985)",
"Target MacGyver (1985)")

Bruce Kessler (episode "Pirates (1987)")
Paul Krasny (episodes "Eraser, The (1986)", "Twice Stung (1986)", "Eagles (1986)")
Les Landau (episode "Deadly Dreams (1989)")
John D. Patterson (episode "Thief of Budapest (1985)") (as John Patterson)
Donald Petrie (episodes "Golden Triangle, The (1985)", "Trumbo's World (1985)")
Ernest Pintoff (episode "Target MacGyver (1985)")
Michael Preece (11 episodes 1989-1991)
Gilbert M. Shilton (episode "Phoenix Under Siege (1987)") (as Gilbert Shilton)
Alan Simmonds (episode "Fire and Ice (1987)")
Alexander Singer ("Deathlock (1986)", "Prodigal, The (1985)", Family Matter (1987)", "Final Approach (1986)")
Alan Smithee (episodes "MacGyver (1985)", "Heist, The (1985)")
Paul Stanley (I) (episode "Golden Triangle, The (1985)")
Bob Sweeney (I) (episode "Dalton, Jack of Spies (1987)")
Michael Vejar (17 episodes 1987-1992)
Don Weis (episode "Slow Death (1986)")


David Abramowitz (episodes "Prodigal, The (1985)" and "Enemy Within, The (1986)")
David Abramowitz (story editor) (episodes "Hellfire (1985)", "Prodigal, The (1985)", "Target MacGyver (1985)" and "Deathlock (1986)")

Larry Alexander (I) (story) (episode "Heist, The (1985)")
Michael Berlin (story editor) (multiple episodes in season 3: 1987-1988)
Robin Bernheim (episode "Human Factor, The (1986)")
Robert Bielak (story) (episode "Renegade (1989)")
Chuck Bowman (story) (episode "Road Not Taken, The (1986)")
Joan Brooker (episode "Soft Touch (1987)")
Judy Burns (opening gambit) (episode "Gauntlet, The (1985)")
Judy Burns (episode "Last Stand (1985)")
Marianne Clarkson (episodes "Battle of Tommy Giordano, The (1989)" and "Unfinished Business (1989)")
Marianne Clarkson (story editor) (season 4: 1988-1989)
Calvin Clements Jr. "GX-1 (1987)", "Kill Zone (1988)", "Negotiator, The (1988)" and "Mask of the Wolf (1988)")
Phil Combest (story) (episode "Twice Stung (1986)")
John Considine (story editor) (episodes "There but for the Grace (1991)",
"Good Knight MacGyver: Part 1 (1991)" and "Good Knight MacGyver: Part 2 (1991)")

John Considine (episodes "There but for the Grace (1991)", "Blind Faith (1991)",
"Good Knight MacGyver: Part 1 (1991)" and "Good Knight MacGyver: Part 2 (1991)")

Anthony DiMarco (II) (episode "Countdown (1986)") (as Tony DiMarco)
Stephen Downing (opening gambit) (episode "Thief of Budapest (1985)")
Stephen Downing (episodes "Deadly Dreams (1989)", "Legend of the Holy Rose: Part 1 (1989)",
"Legend of the Holy Rose: Part 2 (1989)" and "Coltons, The (1991)")

Sally Drake (episode "Ten Percent Solution, The (1989)")
Tom Drake (III) (episode "Ten Percent Solution, The (1989)")
Rick Drew (episodes "Thin Ice (1988)", "Blood Brothers (1988)", "Cleo Rocks (1989)", "Easy Target (1989)", "Jenny's Chance (1990)" and "Wall, The (1990)")

Rick Drew (teleplay) (episode "Secret of Parker House, The (1988)")
Rick Drew (story editor) (season 3: 1987-1988)
Nancy Eddo (episode "Soft Touch (1987)")
David Engelbach (episode "Gold Rush (1989)")
Eric Estin (story editor) (multiple episodes in season 3: 1987-1988)
Peter Filardi (episode "Endangered, The (1988)")
Dennis Foley (episode "Golden Triangle, The (1985)")
Bill Froehlich (teleplay) (episode "Wish Child, The (1986)")
Bill Froehlich (episodes "Twice Stung (1986)" and "Partners (1987)")
Michael Greenburg (story) (episode "Coltons, The (1991)")
Larry Gross (episode "Ugly Duckling (1986)")
Joseph Gunn (story) (episode "Hell Week (1987)")
Chris Haddock (story editor) (multple episodes 1989)
Chris Haddock (executive story editor) (season 5: 1989-1990)
Chris Haddock (episode "Challenge, The (1989)", "Invisible Killer, The (1989)", "Renegade (1989)",
"Cease Fire (1989)" and "Treasure of Manco, The (1990)")

Robert Hamner (episode "Wasteland, The (1991)")
Gene Hanson (episode "Secret of Parker House, The (1988)")
Rob Hedden (story editor) "Silent World (1986)", "Phoenix Under Siege (1987)" and "Birth Day (1987)")
Rob Hedden (story) (episode "Three For the Road (1986)")
Rob Hedden (episodes "Final Approach (1986)", "Birth Day (1987)" and "Bushmaster (1987)")
Doug Heyes Jr. (episode "For Love Or Money (1987)")
Rick Husky (episode "Fire and Ice (1987)")
Stephen Kandel (opening gambit) (episode "Trumbo's World (1985)")
Stephen Kandel (story editor) (episode "Serenity (1990)")
Stephen Kandel (multiple episodes 1985-1989)
Michael Kane (I) (episode "Bitter Harvest (1990)")
David Ketchum (episode "Countdown (1986)")
Lincoln Kibbee (story editor) (multiple episodes 1990-1992)
Lincoln Kibbee (6 episodes 1990-1991)
John I. Koivula (story) (episode "Phoenix Under Siege (1987)")
Stephen Kronish (story) (episode "Wish Child, The (1986)")
Stephen Kronish (teleplay) (episodes "Road Not Taken, The (1986)" and "Phoenix Under Siege (1987)")
Stephen Kronish (episodes "Eraser, The (1986)", "Out in the Cold (1987)", "Friends (1987)" and
"Back From the Dead (1987)")

Stephen Kronish (executive story editor) (episodes "Silent World (1986)" and "Phoenix Under Siege (1987)")
Brian Lane (II) (story) (episode "Wish Child, The (1986)")
Kerry Lenhart (episodes "Jack of Lies (1986)" and "Out in the Cold (1987)")
Kerry Lenhart (teleplay) (episode "Three For the Road (1986)")
Kerry Lenhart (story editor) "Silent World (1986)", "Phoenix Under Siege (1987)" and "Birth Day (1987)"
Kerry Lenhart (story) (episode "Mask of the Wolf (1988)")
Mark Lisson (story) (episode "Three For the Road (1986)")
Mark Lisson (episodes "Twice Stung (1986)" and "Partners (1987)")
Jerrold L. Ludwig (episodes "Deathlock (1986)" and "Lost Love (1987)") (as Jerry Ludwig)
Lee Maddux (episode "Log Jam (1990)")
Paul A. Magistretti (episode "Family Matter (1987)")
Don Mankiewicz (episode "To Be A Man (1986)")
Paul B. Margolis (story editor) (season 5: 1989-1990) (also as Paul Margolis)
Paul B. Margolis (episodes "Collision Course (1988)", "Black Corsage, The (1989)", "Black Rhino (1989)" and "Lost Amadeus, The (1990)")

George Lee Marshall (episode "Eagles (1986)")
Mike Marvin (episode "Target MacGyver (1985)")
Fred McKnight (episode "Escape, The (1986)")
Herman Miller (episode "Murderers' Sky (1988)")
Rick Mittleman (multiple episodes 1989-1992)
Leonard Mlodinow (episode "Hell Week (1987)")
W. Reed Moran (episodes "Blow Out (1987)", "Mask of the Wolf (1988)" and "Survivors, The (1989)")
Terry Nation (opening gambit) (episodes "Golden Triangle, The (1985)", "Thief of Budapest (1985)",
"Last Stand (1985)" and "Target MacGyver (1985)")

Thackary Pallor (episode "MacGyver (1985)")
Michelle Poteet Lisanti (episode "Outsiders, The (1988)")
Brad Radnitz (episodes "Visitor, The (1990)", "Faith, Hope & Charity (1991)", "Deadly Silents (1991)" and
"Mountain of Youth, The (1992)")

David Rich (episodes "Jack in the Box (1987)" and "Split Decision (1991)")
Mark Rodgers (episode "Walking Dead (1991)")
Grant Rosenberg (episode "Fraternity of Thieves (1989)")
Grant Rosenberg (teleplay) (episode "Wasteland, The (1991)")
Scott Rubenstein (episode "Hell Week (1987)")
John J. Sakmar (episodes "Jack of Lies (1986)" and "Dalton, Jack of Spies (1987)")
John J. Sakmar (story editor) "Silent World (1986)", "Phoenix Under Siege (1987)" and "Birth Day (1987)"
John J. Sakmar (story) (episode "Mask of the Wolf (1988)")
John J. Sakmar (teleplay) (episode "Three For the Road (1986)")
Paul Savage (story) (episode "Prodigal, The (1985)")
James Schmerer (teleplay) (episodes "Hellfire (1985)", "Target MacGyver (1985)")
James Schmerer (episodes "Heist, The (1985)", "Nightmares (1986)", "Every Time She Smiles (1986)", "Assassin, The (1986)")

Joel Schwartz (episode "Runners (1989)")
Hannah Louise Shearer (story) (episode "Flame's End (1986)")
John Sheppard (teleplay) (episodes "Secret of Parker House, The (1988)" and "Passages (1990)")
John Sheppard (story editor) (season 4: 1988-1989)
John Sheppard (multiple episodes 1989-1992)
John Sheppard (executive story editor) (season 5-6: 1989-1991)
Robert Sherman (I) (multiple episodes 1989-1991)
Robert Sherman (I) (story editor) (episode "Two Times Trouble (1989)")
Jaison Starkes (episode "D. O. A.: MacGyver (1987)")
Joe Viola (episode "Thief of Budapest (1985)")
Art Washington (episodes "Tough Boys (1990)", "Squeeze Play (1990)" and "Gunz 'n Boyz (1991)")
Art Washington (story editor) (season 6: 1990-1991)
Douglas Brooks West (episode "Hellfire (1985)")
John Whelpley (teleplay) (episode "Widowmaker, The (1987)")
John Whelpley (episodes "Early Retirement (1988)", "Rock the Cradle (1988)",
"On a Wing and a Prayer (1988)" and "Ma Dalton (1989)")

Cathleen Young (episode "Madonna, The (1989)")
Harv Zimmel (story) (episode "Widowmaker, The (1987)")


Judy Burns (co-producer) (1985)
Calvin Clements Jr. (supervising) (1987-1988)
Vin Di Bona (producer) (pilot) (line) (season 1: 1985-1986)
Stephen Downing (supervising) (season 1: 1985-1986) (co-executive) (season 2: 1986-1987) (executive) (seasons 3-7: 1987-1992)

Mel Efros (supervising) (pilot)
Robert Frederick (line) (1990-1991) (producer) (season 7: 1991-1992)
Bill Froehlich (supervising) (season 2: 1986-1987)
Michael Greenburg (producer) (seasons 2-3: 1986-1988) (supervising) (seasons 4-7: 1988-1992)
Robert Hargrove (senior) (season 1: 1985-1986)
Hudson Hickman (associate) (season 3: 1987-1988) (coordinating) (season 4: 1988-1989) (co-producer)
(season 5: 1989-1990)

Victor Hsu (1986-1987)
Kevin Inch (3 episodes 1986)
Stephen Kandel (co-producer) (seasons 1-2: 1985-1987) (producer) (season 3: 1987-1988)
Hal Klein (senior) (1986)
Stephen Kronish (co-producer) (2 episodes 1987)
Mark Lisson (supervising) (season 2)
Jerrold L. Ludwig (executive) (season 1: 1985-1986) (as Jerry Ludwig)
Paul B. Margolis (episode "Collision Course (1988)")
Steven Milkis (associate) (seasons 1-2: 1985-1987)
John B. Moranville (associate) (1988-1989) (coordinating) (season 5: 1989-1990) (co-producer)
(season 6: 1990-1991) (producer) (season 7: 1991-1992)

Terry Nation (producer) (6 episodes 1985)
Thomas R. Polizzi (associate) (seasons 5-6: 1989-1991) (coordinating) (season 7: 1991-1992)
John Rich (executive)
Stephen Sealy (associate) (episodes "Lost Love: Part 1 (1987)" and "Lost Love: Part 2 (1987)")
John Sheppard (co-producer) (season 7: 1991-1992)
Sara Thornberg (associate) (season 7: 1991-1992)
John Whelpley (co-producer) (season 3: 1987-1988) (producer) (episodes "On a Wing and a Prayer (1988)" and "Ma Dalton (1989)")

Henry Winkler (executive)

Special Effects

Ken Estes .... special effects foreman (1985-1988)
Henry Millar .... special effects (seasons 4-7: 1988-1992)
Billy Myatt .... special effects (multiple episodes 1985-1990)

Visual Effects

Steve Galich .... special effects (episodes "Hellfire (1985)", "Prodigal, The (1985)", "Target MacGyver (1985)", "Nightmares (1986)" and "Deathlock (1986)")

Adam Howard .... visual effects animator (episode "Good Knight MacGyver (1991)")
Elan Soltes .... visual effects supervisor (episode "Good Knight MacGyver: Part 2 (1991)")


Vince Deadrick Jr.... stunt co-ordinator
Buddy Joe Hooker .... stunt co-ordinator (episodes "Golden Triangle, The (1985)", "Thief of Budapest (1985)"
and "Gauntlet, The (1985)")

Hannah Kozak .... stunts
C. Ransom Walrod .... stunts